Welcome to the 2024 FirmFit Flyers
Summer Season!
Hello Track & Field Parents,
I am excited that you and/or your high school track & field athlete has expressed interest in being involved with the FirmFit Flyers Track Club this summer! Pertinent information along with the summer schedule is listed below.
To sign up, please complete the 2024 Athlete Information and Waiver form for each athlete.
Please feel free to call, text 919-368-0333 or email firmfitinc@gmail.com if you have any questions. Looking forward to the summer track season!
Best regards,
Firman Walden, Coach
FirmFit Flyers Track Club
Team Information
​The size of the team will be limited to 20 athletes. It’s not our goal to get to 20, that’s the maximum we want to manage. If you know of someone who may be interested, please have them text or email me as soon as possible.
Compete in the meets that fit you and your athlete’s summer schedule. Note: If your athlete wishes to have the opportunity to compete in the USATF Junior Olympic Championships, they’ll have to compete and advance through the USATF NC State Association and USATF Region 3 Championship meets.
NC State Association and Region 3 meet information will be posted on the www.northcarolina.usat.org website.
Each athlete will be folded into training after their obligation to their HS Track team has been met, followed by any necessary break.
When you get your athlete’s USATF membership on www.usatf.org, search for FirmFit Flyers and click on “join”.
2024 FirmFit Flyers Track Club
Details and Schedule
Our Goal: To have our athletes compete for the FirmFit Flyers Track Club in the 2024 Youth Summer Track & Field Season.
Team Size: Maximum of 20 High School athletes.
Meet Schedule
Practice Schedule
Track Schedule: TBD - Sample schedule below:
Monday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
6:30am - 8:15am
Location TBD
Weight Room Schedule: TBD - Sample schedule below: TB
Monday / Wednesday
2:00pm - 4:00pm
FirmFit Training Center
Monthly Training Investment:
$50.00 for each additional sibling
Recurring Investments:
Meet entry fees
Travel expenses
You will never be asked to pay for Coach’s travel expenses.
Other Investments:
USATF Membership – www.usatf.org
Uniform – TBD